Part 4 - Post Creation
This part of the tutorial explores creation of blog posts for the poole-master
Post Creation Basics
Jekyll does not offer native GUI text editors, however, post creation is simple and automated via the _post
directory, which contains text-files representing posts.
A post must follow the required naming convention of
, which creates a Markdown file and ensures Jekyll will correctly order the posts by date (dependent on theme logic).
The post can contain YAML front-matter (i.e., YAML between a pair of ---
at the top of the file), which provides settings for the post (e.g., layout
and title
). YAML front-matter can then be followed by the post’s content structure and styled via Markdown syntax.
E.g., a simple example post would contain the following contents:
layout: post
title: The Post Title
Some text with *italic* and **bold** styling.
The Markdown Language
Markdown enables consistent structuring and styling of content with a minimal amount of simple syntax enabling a writer to focus on content creation rather than its design.
Common Markdown syntax includes:
- Headings, where a larger number of
results in a smaller heading with#
being the largest and######
being the smallest:# h1 ## h2 ### h3
- Italic and Bold:
*italic* and **bold**
- Links:
[link text](link)
- Images:

- etc.
The above syntax guidance is based on (Pritchard 2017)1 where further details on Markdown syntax can be acquired.
Pritchard, A. (2017). Markdown Cheatsheet. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1st Jan. 2019]. ↩