
The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder.
—Ralph W. Sockman

Hello world!

My name is Suraj Sharma and I’m a second year Computer Science student. I built this website to share my career-related information (portfolio, contact details, etc) to connect with people who share my passion for technology and problem-solving.

I aspire to understand the many disciplines of technology and strive to utilise my experience as a Software Developer by problem-solving to craft elegant software solutions.

I am fascinated by computing as I enjoy the challenge of problem-solving in order to craft elegant solutions using various software tools such as Java. These problems often yield surprising results that sustain their novelty and fuel my fascination with computing.

Technology has fascinated me since first encountering and using the Logo programming language to draw various patterns on the computer screen.

The experience I have acquired thus far taught me the importance of concepts such as planning and patience. I also learned to seek elegant, reusable solutions to problems and through the process, discovered that problem-solving can be a thoroughly satisfying and enjoyable experience.


Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.
—Theodore Roosevelt

Developing Android Apps

Developing Android Apps

Android Basics

Android Basics



Traffic Light Simulation

Traffic Light Simulation

ATM Simulation

ATM Simulation

Learning Journal

Learning Journal Website

Code Indenter

Code Indenter


I love to find new people. It's not for the sake of their being new; it's because if you find someone who perfectly fits a part, that's such a great thing.
—Robert De Niro