QrContacts QrContacts is an Android app that allows sharing a Contact’s details via a VCard QR-Code. Featur...
HAPCES HAPCES is a system designed to increase interaction variety for the home automation platforms via...
Wiki Randoms Wiki Randoms is a React website that allows users to search Wikipedia or explore random articles ...
medi-nline medi-nline is a Node CLI web scraper that fetches products from a pharmacy website, which are pri...
hofkit hofkit (Higher Order Function toolKIT) is a modular functional utility library for JavaScript &am...
Canvas Ant Canvas Ant is a TypeScript web implementation (e.g., canvas controller, web app, etc.) of Langton...
SocNet: Reactive Edition SocNet: Reactive Edition is a full stack social networking simulator web app demonstrating CRUD o...
Temutone Temutone (TExt MUsic TONEs) is a text-based musical instrument comprising a UI & custom proce...
Rekromex Framework Rekromex currently includes the Rekromex Framework & Rekromex Demo which demonstrates the fra...
Senti-words Generator Senti-words Generator is a tool that generates random adjectives, nouns, verbs, & sentences t...
Gus-O-Tron Gus-O-Tron is a costume designer web app featuring the favourite prebuilt costumes of the GoSuraj...
Moblit Moblit (MOBile utiLITities) is GoSuraj’s in-house mobile app framework. As the spiritual successo...
Dubflito Torch Dubflito (DoUble FlashLIghT TOrch) Torch is a simple flashlight & screen torch. Need a to...
Foto Forager Foto Forager is a photo discovery web app featuring hybrid rendered search, infinite scroll, &...
reveco reveco (REactiVe COmponents) is GoSuraj’s in-house web app framework. As the web counterpart to M...
Vinidoz Synth Vinidoz (Virtual mINI auDiO synthesiZer) Synth is a virtual musical synth instrument featuring: ...
Light Blueberry - Super Light Theme Light Blueberry is a simple, minimal, light color theme created by GoSuraj for the Google Chrome ...
Dark Cherry - Super Dark Theme Dark Cherry is a simple, minimal, dark color theme created by GoSuraj for the Google Chrome web b...
Vinidoz Synth Vinidoz (Virtual mINI auDiO synthesiZer) Synth is a virtual musical synth instrument featuring: ...
reveco reveco (REactiVe COmponents) is GoSuraj’s in-house web app framework. As the web counterpart to M...
Dark Snowberry - Super Dark Theme Dark Snowberry is a simple, minimal, dark color theme created by GoSuraj for the Google Chrome we...
Dark Grape - Super Dark Theme Dark Grape is a simple, minimal, dark color theme created by GoSuraj for the Google Chrome web br...
Dark Ice - Super Dark Theme Dark Ice is a simple, minimal, dark color theme created by GoSuraj for the Google Chrome web brow...
Dark Blueberry - Super Dark Theme Dark Blueberry is a simple, minimal, dark color theme created by GoSuraj for the Google Chrome we...
Dark Banana - Super Dark Theme Dark Banana is a simple, minimal, dark color theme created by GoSuraj for the Google Chrome web b...
Foto Forager Foto Forager is a photo discovery web app featuring hybrid rendered search, infinite scroll, &...